Phoenix East Valley Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists

Comprehensive, compassionate care for lung and sleep disorders

Trust the experts with 30+ years of experience helping Phoenix breathe easier

When the people of the Phoenix metropolitan area have lung disorders or sleep problems that can’t be optimally treated by general medicine, they turn to Desert Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants. Our experienced clinical team is board certified, and have the expertise and access to cutting-edge technology to provide more accurate diagnoses as well as better patient outcomes. These advantages, as well as our highly qualified physician assistants, enable us to expertly evaluate and treat a wide range of chest diseases and sleep disorders, including COPD, asthma, sleep apnea, insomnia, and many more.
Over our three decades of service, DPSC has always strived toward the same goal: to improve the health and quality of life for our patients

Why choose specialized care from DPSC?

The veteran team of physicians at DPSC have decades of experience diagnosing and treating chest diseases such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer, and pulmonary fibrosis. Our modern, specialized diagnostic facilities equip us to carry out complete pulmonary function tests, oximetry studies, and “6-minute walk testing.” DPSC also operates sleep testing and therapy facilities that are fully accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This empowers our team to assess and treat all manner of mild to severe sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea.
An experienced team of physicians who are all Fellows of the American College of Chest Physicians and board certified in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases
A wide range of customizable treatment methods delivered by reliable, cutting-edge technology
Convenient sleep study diagnostics that can be done in the manner of the patient’s choosing: at night or during the day, at our facility or in the comfort of the patient’s home
Partnerships with Banner Baywood Medical Center as well as other Phoenix area medical facilities that enable our team to provide advanced testing and treatment options

Our Areas of Practice

Pulmonary Medicine

Sleep Medicine

Don’t let difficulty breathing or poor sleep stop you from living your life to the fullest. Contact the experts at DPSC and get relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

If appropriate, we perform sleep studies on our patients at our fully accredited sleep medicine facilities. Typically, the patient sleeps a full night under observation, and the findings are analyzed by our specialists. DPSC is also equipped to perform sleep studies during the day and in the patient’s home in some cases.
  • Your family or bed partner complains of severe snoring and/or notices that you stop breathing for short periods of time when asleep.
  • You consistently feel sleepy throughout the day because of poor-quality sleep.
  • You wake in the night coughing or choking.
  • You have trouble getting to sleep, getting back to sleep after waking in the night, or both.
Sleep apnea is a common disorder that can be very serious. In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow while you are sleeping. Each pause in breathing typically lasts 10 to 20 seconds or more. These pauses can occur 20 to 30 times or more an hour. It is typically accompanied by severe snoring.
Not necessarily. Not everyone who snores loudly has sleep apnea, and not everyone with sleep apnea snores. Poor-quality sleep and stoppage of breathing are more sure signs of sleep apnea, and should be evaluated by a specialist through a sleep study.
Untreated sleep apnea can increase the chance of having high blood pressure and even a heart attack or stroke. Untreated sleep apnea can also increase the risk of diabetes and the risk for work-related accidents and driving accidents due to prolonged fatigue.

Patients come to us with symptoms such as shortness of breath, persistent cough, and wheezing. Smokers, those with a family history of lung problems, and those that live or work around polluted air are at higher risk of serious respiratory problems, so these people should seek specialist help even for minor problems. You can also speak to your general practitioner, who can refer you to us based on their findings. Your doctor can find referral forms here.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease in which the lungs are damaged, making it hard to breathe. In COPD, the airways — the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs — are partly obstructed, making it difficult to get air in and out. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of COPD. Most people with COPD are smokers or former smokers. Breathing in other kinds of lung irritants, like pollution, dust, or chemicals, over a long period of time may also cause or contribute to COPD.
Fortunately, COPD is not contagious and cannot be caught or transmitted. Unfortunately, the damage to lungs that causes COPD is permanent. This makes accurate diagnosis and effective, expert care all the more important to limit further damage and mitigate chronic symptoms.

Get compassionate, comprehensive care for your lung or sleep disorders delivered by local Phoenix, AZ clinical experts

Contact DPSC now and breathe easy

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Chandler, AZ Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists
3303 E. Baseline Rd.
Bldg. # 4, Ste. # 208
Gilbert, AZ 85234